Annotation of discussion and kernel for NN Solution from Chris Deotte
Discussion Link:
CIBMTR - Equity in post-HCT Survival Predictions
Improve prediction of transplant survival rates equitably for allogeneic HCT patients
Kernel Link:
NN (MLP) Baseline - [CV 670 LB 676]
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from CIBMTR - Equity in post-HCT Survival Predictions
NN Starter Notebook CV 0.670 LB 0.676 (Discussion)
- I published a starter notebook NN which uses the following simple architecture.
- Consider improving architecture to boost CV and LB score!
- There are 57 features with 35 categorical and 22 numerical.
- The majority of numerical features appear to be like categorical features with their low unique value count.
- Therefore in my NN starter, I convert 55 features into categorical leaving only donor_age and act_at_hct as numerical.
- For each categorical, we label encode.
- In the NN architecture, we use embeddings for each categorical features.
- For each categorical feature, the embedding input size is of course the number of unique values.
- The embedding output size is sqrt(number unique)+1.
- About embedding
- The process of converting categorical data into meaningful continuous vectors
- Categories with similar meanings learn to have similar vector values
- Examples:
- # Example: Disease Type Categories
Disease A = [0.2, 0.8, -0.3] # Converted to 3D vector
Disease B = [0.3, 0.7, -0.2] # Similar diseases have similar vector values
Disease C = [-0.8, -0.2, 0.9] # Different types have different vector values
- # Example: Disease Type Categories
- Limitations of one-hot encoding:
- # One-Hot Encoding
Disease A = [1, 0, 0, 0]
Disease B = [0, 1, 0, 0]
Disease C = [0, 0, 1, 0]
# All categories are equidistant
# Cannot express similarity
- # One-Hot Encoding
- Advantages of Embedding:
- # Embedding
Disease A = [0.2, 0.8] # Compressed to 2D
Disease B = [0.3, 0.7] # Similar vector to A
Disease C = [-0.8, -0.2] # Different vector from A,B
# Can express similarity through vector distances
- # Embedding
- The practice of setting embedding output size to sqrt(number of unique values) + 1 is a commonly used rule of thumb.
- Example:
- categorical_feature = 'disease_type'
unique_values = 16 # Assuming there are 16 disease types
embedding_output_size = int(np.sqrt(16)) + 1
# = 4 + 1 = 5
- categorical_feature = 'disease_type'
- Reasons for this setting:
- Dimension Reduction:
- One-hot encoding would require 16 dimensions
- Embedding can reduce it to 5 dimensions
- This reduces model complexity and makes learning more efficient
- Appropriate Expressiveness:
- Too small embedding dimension: Risk of information loss
- Too large embedding dimension: Risk of overfitting
- sqrt(n) + 1 is an empirical method to find balance between these
- Dimension Reduction:
- Real Example:
- # Embedding dimensions for various category sizes
4 categories -> 3 embedding dimensions (√4 + 1)
9 categories -> 4 embedding dimensions (√9 + 1)
16 categories -> 5 embedding dimensions (√16 + 1)
25 categories -> 6 embedding dimensions (√25 + 1)
- # Embedding dimensions for various category sizes
- Example:
- About embedding
- Afterward we concatenate all the categorical embeddings together with the numerical features and continue forward with MLP.
- For the two numericals, we standardize with feature = (feature - mean)/std because NN like standardized features.
Target Transformation
- There are two ways to train a Survival Model:
- We can input both efs and efs_time and use survival loss like Cox.
- Transform efs and efs_time into a single target proxy for risk score and train with regression loss like MSE.
- In my NN starter, I employ option 2 above.
- I transform the original two targets into a proxy for risk score and train NN with MSE regression loss.
- Below shows the original two targets and the new transformed target.
- When training with MSE loss, the model likes the target to be like Gaussian distribution.
- This was one factor when I invented this new way to transform target:
NN (MLP) Baseline - [CV 670 LB 676] (Kernel)
- In this notebook, we present a Neural Network NN (MLP) baseline.
- This NN is very fast to train on GPU! We achieve CV 0.670.
- There is a discussion about this notebook here
- Above discussion
- We tranform the two train targets (efs and efs_time) into a single target (y) and then train regression NN with MSE loss.
- We load Kaggle's official metric code from here and evaluate the CV performance using competition metric Stratified Concordance Index.
- In this comp, we need to predict risk score.
- There are many different ways to transform the two train targets into a value that mimics risk score and train an NN (or any other regression model like SVR) with regression.
- I present one transformation in this notebook and I presented a different one in my XGBoost starter notebook here.
- Consider experimenting by creating your own target from efs and efs_time.
- Or considering using survival loss directly which uses both efs and efs_time as explained in discussion post here.
- Kaggle user MT describes another transformation here called KaplanMeierFitter and gives an example here
Pip Install Libraries for Metric
- Since internet must be turned off for submission, we pip install from my other notebook here where I downloaded the WHL files.
!pip install /kaggle/input/pip-install-lifelines/autograd-1.7.0-py3-none-any.whl
!pip install /kaggle/input/pip-install-lifelines/autograd-gamma-0.5.0.tar.gz
!pip install /kaggle/input/pip-install-lifelines/interface_meta-1.3.0-py3-none-any.whl
!pip install /kaggle/input/pip-install-lifelines/formulaic-1.0.2-py3-none-any.whl
!pip install /kaggle/input/pip-install-lifelines/lifelines-0.30.0-py3-none-any.whl
Load Train and Test
import numpy as np, pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
test = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/equity-post-HCT-survival-predictions/test.csv")
print("Test shape:", test.shape )
train = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/equity-post-HCT-survival-predictions/train.csv")
print("Train shape:",train.shape)
EDA on Train Targets
- There are two train targets efs and efs_time.
- When efs==1 we know patient had an event and we know time of event is efs_time. When efs==0 we do not know if patient had an event or not, but we do know that patient was without event for at least efs_time.
plt.hist(train.loc[train.efs==1,"efs_time"],bins=100,label="efs=1, Yes Event")
plt.hist(train.loc[train.efs==0,"efs_time"],bins=100,label="efs=0, Maybe Event")
plt.xlabel("Time of Observation, efs_time")
plt.title("Times of Observation. Either time to event, or time observed without event.")
Transform Two Train Targets into One Target!
- Both targets efs and efs_time provide useful information.
- We will tranform these two targets into a single target to train our model with.
- In this competition we need to predict risk score.
- So we will create a target that mimics risk score to train our model.
- (Note this is only one out of many ways to transform two targets into one target. Considering experimenting on your own).
# 1. Set initial target value to efs_time
train["y"] = train.efs_time.values
# 2. Find maximum time of event cases (efs=1) and
# minimum time of censored cases (efs=0)
mx = train.loc[train.efs==1,"efs_time"].max()
mn = train.loc[train.efs==0,"efs_time"].min()
# 3. Adjust time values for censored cases
# Add (mx - mn) to make all censored cases larger than event cases
train.loc[train.efs==0,"y"] = train.loc[train.efs==0,"y"] + mx - mn
# 4. Rank all values (starting from 1)
train.y = train.y.rank()
# 5. Make ranks of censored cases larger
# Add 2 times the data length to clearly differentiate
train.loc[train.efs==0,"y"] += 2*len(train)
# 6. Normalize to values between 0~1
train.y = train.y / train.y.max()
# 7. Apply log transformation
train.y = np.log(train.y)
# 8. Center mean to 0
train.y -= train.y.mean()
# 9. Reverse sign (to interpret as risk score)
train.y *= -1.0
plt.hist(train.loc[train.efs==1,"y"],bins=100,label="efs=1, Yes Event")
plt.hist(train.loc[train.efs==0,"y"],bins=100,label="efs=0, Maybe Event")
plt.xlabel("Transformed Target y")
plt.title("Transformed Target y using both efs and efs_time.")
Purpose of this transformation:
- Clearly differentiate between censored cases and event cases
- Transform values into appropriate range
- Make it interpretable as risk scores (multiply by -1 at the end)
As a result:
- Event cases (efs=1) have higher risk scores
- Censored cases (efs=0) have lower risk scores
- Overall distribution becomes normalized
Detailed Explanation about #5 part:
# 5. Make ranks of censored cases larger
# Add 2 times the data length to clearly differentiate
train.loc[train.efs==0,"y"] += 2*len(train)
# Example data: 5 patients
# efs=1: Event occurred (death)
# efs=0: Censored (end of tracking)
# Initial data
Patient A: efs=1, efs_time=10 # Died on day 10
Patient B: efs=1, efs_time=20 # Died on day 20
Patient C: efs=0, efs_time=15 # Survival confirmed until day 15
Patient D: efs=1, efs_time=5 # Died on day 5
Patient E: efs=0, efs_time=25 # Survival confirmed until day 25
# After applying rank()
Patient D: 1 (shortest survival)
Patient A: 2
Patient C: 3
Patient B: 4
Patient E: 5 (longest survival)
# Adding 2*len(train) = 2*5 = 10 to censored cases
Patient D: 1 # efs=1, no change
Patient A: 2 # efs=1, no change
Patient C: 13 # efs=0, 3+10
Patient B: 4 # efs=1, no change
Patient E: 15 # efs=0, 5+10
Reasons for doing this:
- Censored cases (efs=0) might have actually lived longer
- Therefore, we make their ranks definitively larger
- Adding twice the data length creates a large gap between efs=1 and efs=0 cases
- This helps the model better distinguish between the two groups
- There are a total of 57 features.
- From these 35 are categorical and 22 are numerical.
- Since most of the numerical features has only a few unique values, we will treat all features except donor_age and act_at_hct as categorical for our NN.
- So we will feed our NN 55 categorical features and 2 numerical features.
RMV = ["ID","efs","efs_time","y"]
FEATURES = [c for c in train.columns if not c in RMV]
print(f"There are {len(FEATURES)} FEATURES: {FEATURES}")
# Create empty list CATS - will store categorical variables
CATS = []
# Iterate through each feature (column) in FEATURES list
for c in FEATURES:
# If the column's data type is "object" (strings etc.)
if train[c].dtype=="object":
# Fill missing values with "NAN" in both train and test
train[c] = train[c].fillna("NAN")
test[c] = test[c].fillna("NAN")
# Add this column to CATS list
# If it's a numerical column not containing "age" in its name
elif not "age" in c:
# Convert numeric values to strings in both train and test
train[c] = train[c].astype("str")
test[c] = test[c].astype("str")
# Add this column to CATS list
# Print the number and list of features treated as categorical
print(f"In these features, there are {len(CATS)} CATEGORICAL FEATURES: {CATS}")
# Create lists to store categorical variable sizes and embedding dimensions
CAT_SIZE = [] # Number of unique values for each categorical variable
CAT_EMB = [] # Embedding dimensions for each categorical variable
NUMS = [] # List of numerical variables
# Combine train and test data
combined = pd.concat([train,test],axis=0,ignore_index=True)
# Iterate through all features
for c in FEATURES:
# If it's a categorical variable
if c in CATS:
# Perform label encoding using factorize()
combined[c],_ = combined[c].factorize()
# Make minimum value 0
combined[c] -= combined[c].min()
# Convert to int32 type
combined[c] = combined[c].astype("int32")
# Calculate number of unique values and range
n = combined[c].nunique()
mn = combined[c].min()
mx = combined[c].max()
print(f'{c} has ({n}) unique values')
# Store category size (max+1) and embedding dimension (sqrt(max+1))
CAT_EMB.append( int(np.ceil( np.sqrt(mx+1))) )
# If it's a numerical variable
# Convert float64 to float32, int64 to int32 (memory optimization)
if combined[c].dtype=="float64":
combined[c] = combined[c].astype("float32")
if combined[c].dtype=="int64":
combined[c] = combined[c].astype("int32")
# Perform standardization
m = combined[c].mean()
s = combined[c].std()
combined[c] = (combined[c]-m)/s
# Fill missing values with 0
combined[c] = combined[c].fillna(0)
# Add to numerical variables list
# Split back into train and test
train = combined.iloc[:len(train)].copy()
test = combined.iloc[len(train):].reset_index(drop=True).copy()
dri_score has (12) unique values
psych_disturb has (4) unique values
cyto_score has (8) unique values
diabetes has (4) unique values
hla_match_c_high has (4) unique values
hla_high_res_8 has (8) unique values
tbi_status has (8) unique values
arrhythmia has (4) unique values
hla_low_res_6 has (6) unique values
graft_type has (2) unique values
vent_hist has (3) unique values
renal_issue has (4) unique values
pulm_severe has (4) unique values
prim_disease_hct has (18) unique values
hla_high_res_6 has (7) unique values
cmv_status has (5) unique values
hla_high_res_10 has (9) unique values
hla_match_dqb1_high has (4) unique values
tce_imm_match has (9) unique values
hla_nmdp_6 has (6) unique values
hla_match_c_low has (4) unique values
rituximab has (3) unique values
hla_match_drb1_low has (3) unique values
hla_match_dqb1_low has (4) unique values
prod_type has (2) unique values
cyto_score_detail has (6) unique values
conditioning_intensity has (7) unique values
ethnicity has (4) unique values
year_hct has (13) unique values
obesity has (4) unique values
mrd_hct has (3) unique values
in_vivo_tcd has (3) unique values
tce_match has (5) unique values
hla_match_a_high has (4) unique values
hepatic_severe has (4) unique values
prior_tumor has (4) unique values
hla_match_b_low has (4) unique values
peptic_ulcer has (4) unique values
hla_match_a_low has (4) unique values
gvhd_proph has (18) unique values
rheum_issue has (4) unique values
sex_match has (5) unique values
hla_match_b_high has (4) unique values
race_group has (6) unique values
comorbidity_score has (12) unique values
karnofsky_score has (8) unique values
hepatic_mild has (4) unique values
tce_div_match has (5) unique values
donor_related has (4) unique values
melphalan_dose has (3) unique values
hla_low_res_8 has (8) unique values
cardiac has (4) unique values
hla_match_drb1_high has (4) unique values
pulm_moderate has (4) unique values
hla_low_res_10 has (8) unique values
TensorFlow NN
- We train NN model with CV 0.670
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Input, Embedding
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Concatenate, BatchNormalization
import tensorflow.keras.backend as K
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
print('TF Version',tf.__version__)
Learning Schedule
# Set total 4 epochs
# Define learning rate for each epoch
LRS = [0.01]*2 + [0.001]*1 + [0.0001]*1
# Written out: LRS = [0.01, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001]
# Function that returns learning rate for each epoch
def lrfn(epoch):
return LRS[epoch]
# Create list of epoch numbers (0 to 3)
rng = [i for i in range(EPOCHS)]
# Create list of learning rate values for each epoch
lr_y = [lrfn(x) for x in rng]
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))
plt.plot(rng, lr_y, '-o')
print("Learning rate schedule: {:.3g} to {:.3g} to {:.3g}". \
format(lr_y[0], max(lr_y), lr_y[-1]))
plt.ylabel("Learning Rate")
plt.title("Learning Rate Schedule")
lr_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler(lrfn, verbose = False)
- Learning Rate Schedule:
- First 2 epochs: 0.01 (fast learning with high learning rate)
- 3rd epoch: 0.001 (decreased learning rate)
- 4th epoch: 0.0001 (fine-tuning with smaller learning rate)
- Reasons for gradually decreasing the learning rate:
- Fast learning with large learning rate initially
- Fine-tuning with small learning rate in later stages
- This helps the model converge more stably
Model Definition
- We use embedding layers for all label encoded categorical features.
- Then we concatenate all categorical embeddings with the numerical features.
- We create an MLP with two hidden layers.
- Our final output layer has one linear neuron and during training we use MSE loss with Adam optimizer.
def build_model():
# 1. Handle categorical variables
# Create input layer for categorical variables
x_input_cats = Input(shape=(len(CATS),))
embs = []
# Create embedding layer for each categorical variable
for j in range(len(CATS)):
# Create embedding layer (input size: CAT_SIZE[j], output size: CAT_EMB[j])
e = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(CAT_SIZE[j], CAT_EMB[j])
# Apply embedding to j-th categorical variable
x = e(x_input_cats[:,j])
# Flatten embedding result to 1D
x = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(x)
# Store embedding result
# 2. Handle numerical variables
# Create input layer for numerical variables
x_input_nums = Input(shape=(len(NUMS),))
# 3. Combine categorical and numerical features
# Connect all embedding results and numerical variables
x = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=-1)(embs+[x_input_nums])
# 4. Add fully connected layers (Dense)
# Hidden layer with 256 neurons (ReLU activation)
x = Dense(256, activation='relu')(x)
x = Dense(256, activation='relu')(x)
# Output layer with 1 neuron (linear activation)
x = Dense(1, activation='linear')(x)
# 5. Create model
# Input: categorical and numerical variables
# Output: predicted value
model = Model(inputs=[x_input_cats,x_input_nums], outputs=x)
return model
- linear activation: f(x) = x
- Outputs input value as is
- No transformation applied
- Characteristics:
- Unlimited output range (-∞ ~ +∞)
- Commonly used in output layer for regression
- Suitable for continuous real value prediction
- ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) Activation: f(x) = max(0, x)
- Outputs 0 for negative values, keeps positive values as is
- Characteristics:
- Output range: [0, ∞)
- Most commonly used in hidden layers
- Reduces vanishing gradient problem
- Simple and fast computation
- Linear: ReLU:
↗ ↗
↗ _/
↗ _/
kf = KFold(n_splits=FOLDS, random_state=42, shuffle=True)
oof_nn = np.zeros( len(train) )
pred_nn = np.zeros( len(test) )
#directory = "checkpoints"
#if not os.path.exists(directory):
# os.makedirs(directory)
for r in range(REPEATS):
VERBOSE = r==0
print(f"### REPEAT {r+1} ###")
for i, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(kf.split(train)):
X_train_cats = train.loc[train_index,CATS].values
X_train_nums = train.loc[train_index,NUMS].values
y_train = train.loc[train_index,"y"].values
y_train2 = train.loc[train_index,"efs"].values
X_valid_cats = train.loc[test_index,CATS].values
X_valid_nums = train.loc[test_index,NUMS].values
y_valid = train.loc[test_index,"y"].values
y_valid2 = train.loc[test_index,"efs"].values
X_test_cats = test[CATS].values
X_test_nums = test[NUMS].values
print(" ","#"*25)
print(" ",f"### Fold {i+1} ###")
print(" ","#"*25)
model = build_model()
v = 2 if VERBOSE else 0
model.fit([X_train_cats,X_train_nums], [y_train],
validation_data = ([X_valid_cats,X_valid_nums], [y_valid]),
callbacks = [lr_callback],
batch_size=512, epochs=EPOCHS, verbose=v)
oof_nn[test_index] += model.predict([X_valid_cats,X_valid_nums], verbose=v, batch_size=512).flatten()
pred_nn += model.predict([X_test_cats,X_test_nums], verbose=v, batch_size=512).flatten()
oof_nn /= REPEATS
pred_nn /= (FOLDS*REPEATS)
Compute Overall Metric
from metric import score
y_true = train[["ID","efs","efs_time","race_group"]].copy()
y_pred = train[["ID"]].copy()
y_pred["prediction"] = oof_nn
m = score(y_true.copy(), y_pred.copy(), "ID")
print(f"\nOverall CV for NN =",m)
Create Submission CSV
sub = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/equity-post-HCT-survival-predictions/sample_submission.csv")
sub.prediction = pred_nn
print("Sub shape:",sub.shape)
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