
CIBMTR - Equity in post-HCT Survival Predictions #7 AFT model

dongsunseng 2025. 2. 5. 22:12

Introduction post about AFT model



CIBMTR - Equity in post-HCT Survival Predictions

Improve prediction of transplant survival rates equitably for allogeneic HCT patients


  • First saw this conversation about AFT
  • Host paper link: https://proceedings.mlr.press/v206/norcliffe23a/norcliffe23a.pdf
  • Above SurvivalXGBoost model objective:
    • Objective: Survival: AFT (Accelerated Failure Time)
    • Evaluation Metric: AFT Negative Log Likelihood
    • AFT Loss Distribution: Normal
    • AFT Loss Distribution Scale: 1.0
  • This is a specialized survival analysis configuration of XGBoost that can be used in the competition.
  • The AFT (Accelerated Failure Time) model is specialized for predicting survival time, making it a suitable approach for predicting the survival rate of HCT patients, which is the objective of this competition.



CIBMTR - Equity in post-HCT Survival Predictions

Improve prediction of transplant survival rates equitably for allogeneic HCT patients


  • Also metioned here
  • My discussion annotation:
  • Notebook example annotation:
    • d
    • d

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