
Kaggle 15

[Kaggle Study] #15 2017 Kaggle Machine Learning & Data Science Survey

Fourteenth(Last) course following Youhan Lee's curriculum. Not competition.First Kernel: Novice to GrandmasterThe biggest problem that we might face is fake and bogus responses. As it is a survey, not everyone will answer with proper credentials, and thus I assume that there will be a lot many outlier. Second Kernel: What do Kagglers say about Data Science ?EDA Kernel with trying some prediction..

캐글 2024.12.05

[Kaggle Study] #10 Zillow Prize: Zillow’s Home Value Prediction (Zestimate)

Nineth competition following Youhan Lee's curriculum. Regression competition using tabular data. Zillow Prize: Zillow’s Home Value Prediction (Zestimate)Can you improve the algorithm that changed the world of real estate?www.kaggle.comFirst Kernel: Simple Exploration Notebook - Zillow PrizeEDA kernel focused on univariate correlation analysis.Insight / Summary:1. Removing outliersulimit = np.per..

캐글 2024.11.29