
CIBMTR - Equity in post-HCT Survival Predictions #2 Understanding Survival Analysis - 1

dongsunseng 2025. 2. 1. 02:41

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Understanding Survival Analysis

Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from CIBMTR - Equity in post-HCT Survival Predictions


Initial EDA

# Check the distribution of the target variables
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
sns.countplot(data=train, x='efs', palette='coolwarm')
plt.title('Distribution of Event-Free Survival (efs)')

  • Event-free survival(efs) is an important outcome measure in medical research, particularly in transplant studies
  • EFS refers to the period from the start of treatment(transplant) until the occurrence of an "event": probably death in this competition
  • EFS differs from Overall Survival (OS):
    • OS only considers survival/death
    • EFS includes not only survival but also various important clinical events related to treatment success
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
sns.histplot(data=train, x='efs_time', bins=30, kde=True, color='blue')
plt.title('Distribution of Time to Event-Free Survival (efs_time)')

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3))
plt.hist(train.efs_time[train.efs == 0], bins=50, label='efs=0: Patient Still Alive Or Unknown', alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(train.efs_time[train.efs == 1], bins=50, label='efs=1: Patient Dies', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('Event Free Survival Time')
plt.title('Histogram of Time to Event-Free Survival (efs_time)')

# Explore distribution of key demographic features
demo_features = ['race_group', 'sex_match', 'ethnicity']
for feature in demo_features:
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    sns.countplot(data=train, x=feature, palette='viridis', order=train[feature].value_counts().index)
    plt.title(f'Distribution of {feature}')

  • sex_match is a variable that indicates the gender match between donor and recipient in Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT).
  • It is typically categorized as follows:
    • M-M: Male donor → Male recipient
    • M-F: Male donor → Female recipient
    • F-M: Female donor → Male recipient
    • F-F: Female donor → Female recipient

Kaplan-Meier Estimator

  • The Kaplan-Meier Estimator is a non-parametric statistical method used in survival analysis to estimate the survival function from time-to-event data.
  • It calculates the probability that an individual will survive beyond a certain point in time, accounting for censored data (cases, where the event of interest has not occurred by the end of the study or the individual, is lost to follow-up).

Key Properties:

  • The Kaplan-Meier curve is a step function, with drops occurring at times when events are observed.
  • It handles censoring by only considering individuals at risk just before each event time.


  • Non-parametric: Makes no assumptions about the distribution of survival times.
  • Handles Censoring: Incorporates censored data effectively.
  • Easy Interpretation: Provides intuitive survival probabilities.


  • Assumes Independence of Censoring: Assumes that the censored individuals have the same survival prospects as those still under observation.
  • Lack of Multivariable Adjustments: Does not account for the effects of covariates (e.g., age, race). For this, models like Cox regression are used.
  • Uncertainty at Long Times: If few individuals remain at risk at later time points, the estimates may become less reliable.

Use Case:

In the context of HCT survival analysis:

  • Kaplan-Meier can estimate survival probabilities for the entire population or subgroups (e.g., race or gender).
  • It helps visualize differences in survival rates among groups, providing insights into disparities or the impact of certain factors.


  • The Kaplan-Meier survival curve represents the probability of remaining event-free (e.g., alive or without relapse) over time, with the y-axis showing survival probability and the x-axis representing time in months.
    • In Kaplan-Meier survival curves, "event-free (alive or without relapse)" means satisfying both of these conditions:
      • alive: the patient is living
      • without relapse: the disease has not recurred(재발)
  • Initially, the curve starts at 1.0 (100% survival) since all individuals are event-free at time zero.
  • The steep decline in the early months indicates that a significant number of patients experience events, such as death or relapse, shortly after the transplant.
  • This highlights the high-risk nature of the initial post-transplant period.
  • As time progresses, the curve begins to level off, particularly after 20-30 months, suggesting that those who survive the initial phase tend to have better long-term outcomes.
  • The survival probability never reaches zero, indicating that a portion of the population remains event-free throughout the observation period.
  • The shaded region around the curve represents the confidence interval, which reflects the uncertainty of the survival estimates.
  • Early on, the confidence intervals are narrow, indicating precise estimates due to a larger sample size.
  • However, they widen at later time points, reflecting fewer patients being observed (due to censoring), which reduces the precision of the estimates.
  • Overall, the Kaplan-Meier curve provides insight into the time-dependent risks of events, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions during the early post-transplant period to improve survival outcomes.
  • The curve also suggests that patients who pass the high-risk early phase may achieve more favorable long-term survival.
  • Further analysis, such as stratifying the data by race or comorbidity scores, could provide deeper insights into factors influencing survival and potential disparities across subgroups.
from lifelines import KaplanMeierFitter

# Instantiate the Kaplan-Meier fitter
kmf = KaplanMeierFitter()

# Kaplan-Meier fit for the entire dataset
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
kmf.fit(durations=train['efs_time'], event_observed=train['efs'])
plt.title('Kaplan-Meier Survival Curve for Entire Dataset')
plt.xlabel('Time (Months)')
plt.ylabel('Survival Probability')

Kaplan-Meier Survival Curve: Stratified by Race

The Kaplan-Meier survival curve below visualizes the survival probabilities for different racial groups over time. Each line represents a specific race group. The shaded areas around the curves represent confidence intervals.


Key Observations:

  • Early Survival Decline:
    • All race groups show a steep initial decline in survival probability, indicating a high risk of adverse events shortly after transplantation.
    • The rate of decline varies among groups, suggesting potential disparities in early survival outcomes.
  • Group Differences in Long-Term Survival:
    • Groups like "More than one race" and "Asian" exhibit higher long-term survival probabilities compared to "White" and "Black or African-American" groups.
    • "American Indian or Alaska Native" and "Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander" groups show moderate survival probabilities.
  • Confidence Intervals:
    • Confidence intervals widen over time, reflecting reduced sample sizes.
    • Widening is more pronounced in smaller racial groups, indicating greater uncertainty in survival estimates.
  • Potential Disparities:
    • The observed differences in survival probabilities suggest disparities in post-transplant outcomes that may be influenced by various factors.
    • "White" and "Black or African-American" groups consistently have lower survival probabilities, highlighting areas for potential intervention.
# Kaplan-Meier fit for different groups (e.g., race_group)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
for group in train['race_group'].dropna().unique():
    group_data = train[train['race_group'] == group]
    kmf.fit(durations=group_data['efs_time'], event_observed=group_data['efs'], label=group)

plt.title('Kaplan-Meier Survival Curve by Race Group')
plt.xlabel('Time (Months)')
plt.ylabel('Survival Probability')
plt.legend(title='Race Group')

Kaplan-Meier Survival Curve: Stratified by Donor/Recipient Sex Match

The Kaplan-Meier survival curve below visualizes the survival probabilities for different donor/recipient sex match combinations over time. Each curve represents one of the four possible combinations:

  • Male-to-Female (M-F)
  • Female-to-Female (F-F)
  • Female-to-Male (F-M)
  • Male-to-Male (M-M)

The shaded areas around the curves indicate confidence intervals.


Key Observations:

  • Early Decline in Survival:
    • All groups show a steep initial decline in survival probability, reflecting the high-risk post-transplant period.
  • Long-Term Survival Differences:
    • F-F and M-M show the highest long-term survival probability.
    • F-M and M-F have lower long-term survival probabilities.
  • Confidence Intervals:
    • Confidence intervals widen over time, particularly for M-F and F-M.
    • F-F has relatively narrow intervals.

Sex Match Impact:

  • F-F and M-M transplants tend to have better outcomes.
  • M-F and F-M groups have lower survival probabilities.

Insights and Implications:

  • Clinical Relevance:
    • The survival advantage for F-F and M-M may reflect better immunological compatibility.
    • M-F and F-M groups might benefit from additional clinical interventions.
      • Meaning that M-F, F-M groups may require additional clinical interventions(treatments)
  • Biological Factors:
    • Differences in survival may stem from biological factors like immunological response or GVHD risk.
      • immunological response:
        • Refers to how our body's immune system responds to foreign substances
        • In transplant situations:
          • The immune reaction that occurs when donor cells enter the recipient's body
          • If this response is too strong or too weak, it can negatively affect transplant outcomes
      • GVHD (Graft Versus Host Disease) risk:
        • A condition where transplanted donor immune cells recognize the recipient's body as 'foreign' and attack it 
        • Major symptoms:
          • Skin rash
          • Liver damage
          • Digestive system problems
        • A serious complication that can be life-threatening in severe cases
  • Further Analysis:
    • Additional factors should be analyzed alongside sex match.
    • Statistical tests can confirm the significance of observed differences.
# Kaplan-Meier fit for a binary feature (e.g., gender)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
for gender in train['sex_match'].dropna().unique():
    gender_data = train[train['sex_match'] == gender]
    kmf.fit(durations=gender_data['efs_time'], event_observed=gender_data['efs'], label=gender)

plt.title('Kaplan-Meier Survival Curve by Sex Match')
plt.xlabel('Time (Months)')
plt.ylabel('Survival Probability')
plt.legend(title='Sex Match')

Cox Proportional Hazards (CPH) Model

  • The Cox Proportional Hazards (CPH) model is a widely used method in survival analysis for evaluating the effect of multiple covariates on the time to a specific event, such as death or relapse.
  • Unlike non-parametric methods like Kaplan-Meier, CPH is a semi-parametric model incorporating covariates to estimate their influence on survival while making no assumptions about the baseline hazard function.
    • baseline hazard function: the change in basic risk rate over time

Hazard Function h(t|X) in detail:

  • Basic Concept:
    • Represents the instantaneous probability that someone who has survived until time t will experience an event right after
    • Here, 'event' could be death, disease recurrence, etc.
  • Formula Components:
    • h₀(t): baseline hazard function
      • Basic risk rate when all covariates are 0
      • Can change over time
    • exp(β₁X₁ + β₂X₂ + ... + βₚXₚ): effect of covariates
      • X₁, X₂, ..., Xₚ: covariates (age, gender, etc.)
      • β₁, β₂, ..., βₚ: coefficients showing the influence of each covariate
      • Why use exp: ensures hazard rate is always positive
  • Practical Meaning:
    • For example, in hematopoietic cell transplant patients:
      • h(t): risk of death/relapse at time t
      • X₁: patient's age
      • X₂: gender matching status
      • β₁: impact of age on risk
      • β₂: impact of gender matching on risk

Proportional Hazards Assumption in detail:

  • Assumes that the hazard ratio between two patients remains constant over time
  • Example:
    • If a 50-year-old patient has twice the risk of a 30-year-old patient
    • This "twice" ratio remains constant whether it's 1 month or 1 year post-transplant
    • Therefore "TIME-INDEPENDENT"

Hazard Ratio (HR) in detail:

  • Calculated as HR = exp(β)
  • HR > 1: increased risk
    • Example: HR = 2 means double the risk
  • HR < 1: decreased risk
    • Example: HR = 0.5 means half the risk
  • HR = 1: no effect
  • If β = 0.693 for gender matching:
    • HR = exp(0.693) = 2
    • This means for gender mismatch: 
      • Risk doubles
      • This doubling remains constant at any time post-transplant

Censoring in detail:

What is censoring?

  • When the event of interest (e.g., death, relapse) doesn't occur during the study period
  • In other words, when we can't know the patient's final outcome

Cases of right-censoring:

  1. No event occurs until the end of the study
    • Example: Patient survives throughout a 5-year follow-up study
  2. Patient drops out during follow-up
    • Example: Transfer to another hospital
    • Example: Loss of contact
  3. Excluded from study for other reasons
    • Example: Patient requests to discontinue participation

Handling in Cox model:

  • Censored data is included in the analysis
  • Information up to the censoring point is used for model estimation
  • Unbiased estimates are calculated through likelihood function

Likelihood function in detail:

What is a likelihood function:

  • A function that calculates the possibility (probability) that observed data came from a specific statistical model
  • In other words, it quantifies "how likely this data would come from this model"
  • Let's assume we have patient survival data:
    - Patient A: Died after 2 years
    - Patient B: Survived until 3 years (then lost to follow-up)
    - Patient C: Died after 5 years

    The likelihood function:
    1. Calculates the probability of each patient's observed outcome
    2. Multiplies all these probabilities
    3. The higher this value, the better the model explains the data

In Cox model:

  1. Censored data (e.g., Patient B) is included in the likelihood function
  2. Uses information up to the point of censoring
  3. This enables unbiased parameter estimation

In this way, the likelihood function allows us to effectively use incomplete data (censored data) in the analysis.


Partial Likelihood in detail:

  • Considers only the order of event occurrences instead of complete time information
  • In other words, focuses more on "who experienced the event first" rather than "exact timing"
  • Assume we have three patients:
    Patient A: Dies at 2 months
    Patient B: Dies at 5 months
    Patient C: Survives until 7 months (censored)

    Partial likelihood analyzes:
    - At 2 months: "Why did A die instead of the others"
    - At 5 months: "Why did B die among remaining patients"
  • Reasons for This Approach:
    • No need to specify baseline hazard function (h₀(t))
    • Can estimate covariate effects (β) using just event order
    • Simpler and more efficient computation
  • Maximization Process:
    • Find β values that maximize the partial likelihood
    • These β values are considered to best explain each variable's effect on survival
from lifelines import CoxPHFitter

# Preprocess data
# Select relevant columns for Cox regression
cox_features = ['efs_time', 'efs', 'age_at_hct', 'karnofsky_score', 'comorbidity_score', 'race_group']
train = train[cox_features]

# Convert categorical variables into dummy variables
train = pd.get_dummies(train, columns=['race_group'], drop_first=True)

# Drop rows with missing values (ensure clean data for Cox model)
train = train.dropna()

# Instantiate and fit the Cox Proportional Hazards model
cph = CoxPHFitter()
cph.fit(train, duration_col='efs_time', event_col='efs')

# Show summary of the model


  • The hazard ratio (HR) plot illustrates the effects of different covariates on the hazard of the event occurring, as estimated by the Cox Proportional Hazards model.
  • The x-axis represents the hazard ratio, where a value of 1.0 (marked by the dashed vertical line) indicates no effect on the hazard.
  • Hazard ratios greater than 1.0 indicate an increased risk of the event, while values less than 1.0 suggest a protective effect or reduced risk.
  • The 95% confidence intervals (CIs) are shown as horizontal lines around each hazard ratio, indicating the uncertainty in the estimates.
  • If a confidence interval crosses 1.0, the effect of the covariate is not statistically significant.
  • The analysis reveals several key findings.
  • Among race groups, "Black or African-American" and "White" have hazard ratios slightly above 1.0, indicating a marginally increased risk compared to the reference group (likely another race, such as "Asian" or "More than one race").
  • Conversely, the "More than one race" group has an HR less than 1.0, suggesting a protective effect, while "Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander" shows little to no impact on the hazard.
  • The comorbidity score has an HR slightly above 1.0, indicating that patients with more comorbidities are at greater risk of the event.
    • Comorbidity: A condition where (a patient) suffers from two chronic diseases simultaneously
  • Similarly, "age at HCT" has a hazard ratio above 1.0, suggesting that older patients face a slightly higher risk.
  • In contrast, the Karnofsky performance score has a hazard ratio less than 1.0, reflecting a protective effect where higher scores (indicating better performance status) are associated with reduced risk.
    • The Karnofsky performance score (KPS) or Karnofsky performance status scale is a measure to evaluate a patient's overall functional status.
      • Scoring System (0-100):
        • 100: Normal, no symptoms or signs of disease
        • 90: Able to carry on normal activity, minor symptoms/signs
        • 80: Normal activity with effort, some symptoms/signs
        • 70: Cares for self but unable to carry on normal activity or work
        • 60: Requires occasional assistance but can meet most personal needs
        • 50: Requires considerable assistance and frequent medical care
        • 40: Disabled, requires special care and assistance
        • 30: Severely disabled, hospital admission indicated, death not imminent
        • 20: Very sick, hospital admission necessary, active supportive treatment needed
        • 10: Moribund, death imminent
        • 0: Dead
  • Statistical significance can be inferred from the confidence intervals.
  • Covariates such as comorbidity score and Karnofsky score likely have statistically significant effects, as their confidence intervals do not cross 1.0.
  • Some race groups and "age at HCT", however, may not have significant effects, as their intervals overlap with 1.0.
  • These findings suggest that clinical factors, particularly comorbidity score and performance status, are key predictors of survival outcomes.
  • Additionally, differences in hazard ratios among race groups point to potential disparities in outcomes that warrant further investigation.
  • Efforts to reduce comorbidities, improve performance status, and explore the underlying causes of racial disparities could help optimize patient care and outcomes.
  • This analysis highlights the importance of targeted interventions and provides a foundation for further exploration of survival determinants.
# Visualize the coefficients (hazard ratios)
plt.title("Cox Regression - Hazard Ratios")

Survival Curves for Comorbidity Score

  • The survival curves generated by the Cox Proportional Hazards (CPH) model illustrate the relationship between comorbidity score and survival probabilities over time.
  • The x-axis represents time (e.g., in months), while the y-axis shows the probability of survival.
  • Each line corresponds to a specific comorbidity score, ranging from 0 (no comorbidities) to 4 (high comorbidity burden), with a dashed line representing the baseline survival curve.
  • The results indicate that higher comorbidity scores are associated with lower survival probabilities, as reflected by the descending order of the survival curves.
  • Patients with a comorbidity score of 0 exhibit the highest survival probabilities, while those with a score of 4 experience the steepest decline and the lowest overall survival.
  • All survival curves show a steep decline during the early months, reflecting a high-risk period immediately after the transplant.
  • This decline is more pronounced for patients with higher comorbidity scores, indicating that comorbidities significantly exacerbate early post-transplant risks.
  • Beyond the initial phase, the survival curves stabilize, but patients with higher comorbidity scores continue to have significantly lower survival probabilities compared to those with lower scores.
  • The persistent gap between the survival curves suggests that comorbidities have a lasting impact on survival outcomes.
  • The baseline survival curve aligns closely with a mid-range comorbidity score, representing an "average" patient in the population.
  • These findings highlight the clinical importance of managing comorbidities before and after transplantation.
  • Higher comorbidity scores predict worse survival outcomes, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions and closer monitoring for high-risk patients, particularly during the early post-transplant phase.
  • Even long-term outcomes are worse for patients with higher scores, indicating the necessity of sustained care.
  • This analysis also underscores the potential for risk stratification, where patients can be categorized by comorbidity scores to prioritize resources and tailor interventions.
cph.plot_partial_effects_on_outcome(covariates='comorbidity_score', values=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], cmap='coolwarm');

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