
[Kaggle Study] 1. Loss Function 손실 함수 & Gradient Descent 경사 하강법

dongsunseng 2024. 10. 25. 13:34

Loss Function

Machine learning algorithms find the patterns of the given dataset by themselves. For example, let's think about a situation that we should predict whether it will rain tomorrow or not from humidity data. 

1.5 * x + 0.1 = y (raining if y > 1)


If we can simply express the relationship between the probability of rain and the humidity like this, "pattern" of this data is 1.5(weight) and 0.1(y intercept). We can call that equation "model" and the weight and the intercept is called the "model parameter"


Using the training dataset, model like above will be updated for better prediction performance. In the process of updating the model, we use "loss function" which is a standard of revising the "patterns" of the model. 


Loss function simply defines the difference between prediction results and target value. Thus, we should think about how to minimize the difference(finding the minimum of loss function)

Linear Regression 선형 회귀

Linear regression is one of the most basic machine learning algorithms that models the linear relationship between train data(x) and target data(y)


Obviously, it aims to find a linear equation in the form of y = ax + b where a is the weight(slope) and b is the bias(intercept) of the model.


The purpose of linear regression is to use train data(x) and target data(y) to find weight(a) and intercept(b). In other words, the goal is to find an equation of line(직선의 방정식) which expresses the data best


Gradient Descent is one of the methods to find that equation of line. 

Gradient Descent 경사 하강법

Gradient Descent is an optimization algorithm that uses the slope(rate of change) to upate the model so that it expresses the model better


Gradient descent works well when the size of the data is large. However, gradient descent isn't the only way to solve regression problems: there are other methods such as normal equation(정규 방정식), decision tree(결정 트리), support vector machine, etc. 

Image from https://www.enjoyalgorithms.com/blog/parameter-learning-and-gradient-descent-in-ml

Brief process of gradient descent:

  1. Begin at some intial point on the linear equation(starting at a random point)
  2. Find the gradient(derivative) at the current position(tells us the direction of steepest increase)
  3. Move in the direction of the negative gradient
  4. Repeat: keep calculating gradients and continue until you reach a minimum where gradient gets close to 0

There are 3 main variants of gradient descent method:

  • Stochastic Gradient Descent
    • Uses only one data point per iteration to calculate the gradient.
    • Pro:
      • Fast learning speed
      • Memory efficient
      • Noise can help escape local minima and find better solutions
    • Con:
      • High variance in updates can make convergence unstable
      • May not reflect characteristics of the entire dataset
  • Batch Gradient Descent
    • Uses the entire dataset to calculate the gradient
    • Pro:
      • Stable convergence
      • Accurately reflects characteristics of entire dataset
      • Suitable for parallel processing
    • Con:
      • Requires large memory
      • Takes long time per update
      • Can get stuck in local minima
  • Mini-batch Gradient Descent
    • Uses medium-sized batches(typically 32 ~ 256 samples)
    • Pro:
      • Balances benefits of both SGD and Batch GD
      • Reasonable memory usage
      • Stable yet fast learning
      • Optimized for GPU utilization
    • Con:
      • Batch size becomes an additional hyperparameter
      • Harder to escape local minima compared to SGD

Why we should shuffle order of samples in the training set for each epoch

  • Shuffling the order of samples in the training dataset allows for diverse paths in the weight optimization process, making it more likely to find the optimal weights.
  • One of the easiest ways to implement this is to shuffle the indices of numpy array and use those shuffled indices to call samples: np.random.permutation() method.
  • It is far more efficient and fast this way.
indices = np.random.permutation(np.arrange(len(x)))


You can find more details about gradient descent from my previous posts:


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